A-unitary matrix A酉矩阵
out unitary matrix 列酉矩阵
trip unitary matrix 行酉矩阵
elementary unitary matrix 初等酉矩阵
sub unitary matrix 亚酉交矩阵
sub-unitary matrix 次酉矩阵
left unitary matrix 左酉矩阵
full unitary matrix 全酉矩阵
N a square matrix that is the inverse of its Hermitian conjugate 酉矩阵 [maths]
In this paper, backward errors for seven kinds of structured unitary matrix eigenvalue problems are discussed.
This paper has popularized the concept of unitary matrix, introduced the column (row) unitary matrix and discussed their properties.
We introduce some important matrices and their applications in quantum computation and quantum information, including density matrix, unitary matrix, etc.